"Celebrating 29 Years of profound spiritual enlightenment, continuous enrichment, and empowering transformations. Honoring our collective journey at the very heart of our vibrant community."



Spiritual Faculty:




Ministry of the Month:


Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Reverend Lameteria D. Hall
On the Freedom Train

The Underground Railroad is one of the most enduring symbols of freedom and of the heroes who fought for it in Canada.

That’s what we celebrated last night, as the Underground Freedom Train Ride took us on a symbolic and powerful journey in Toronto.

A Call to LOVE
Daily Meditation @ 7:00 a.m. (Monday - Friday)

We inspire people to connect with the God presence within them.

Through this teaching, you discover that you are able to create health, wealth, satisfaction, and fulfillment. It all begins with the way you think.

"Change your thinking and change your life."

A Call to Love - Daily Meditation ZOOM Link *M-F (7am)

Click Here - Daily Meditation ZOOM Link

Upcoming Event: